U-1000 R2V 5G1,5 C10m




  • Product
    IEC 60502-1; NF C32-321


These U-1000 R2V cables with XLPE insulation and PVC outer sheath can be used in all low voltage power installations. Multiconductors cables are adapted to remote control and telecontrol installations.

It could be installed outside without protection (UV resistance, AN3 according to NF C15-100)

The Nexans U-1000 R2V cable family consists of :

  • The Nexans U-1000 R2V DISTINGO NX'TAG range, manufactured in France, for 1.5 and 2.5mm2 cross-sections, from 3 to 5 conductors, with the same characteristics. A marking zone identifies each cable and its destination during installation.
  • The Nexans U-1000 R2V DISTINGO range, also manufactured in France, for cross-sections between 6 and 16mm2, from 1 to 5 conductors. The Nexans U-1000 R2V range in MOBIWAY MOB packaging.
  • And the Nexans U-1000 R2V range, for cross-sections from 25mm2 upwards.

The Nexans U-1000 R2V DISTINGO cable makes life easier on site: clever markings make it possible to identify the cross-section, the number of conductors and the remaining length on the reel at a glance.

Advantages of the Nexans U-1000 R2V DISTINGO range :

  • Metric marking to identify the remaining cable length
  • Direct identification of the cross-section on the cable and on the packaging
  • UV resistance
  • Nexans quality
  • Available in Mobiway MOB


These cables can be fixed on cable trays, within conduits or fixed to walls, installed outside. They also can be buried directly with extra mechanical protection.

Permissible current and voltage drop are given

a) in free air, sheltered from sun, on cable tray or bracket, on cable ladder, and spaced from the wall, temperature = 30°C.
b) buried with thermal resistivity of the ground 1Km/W, laying depth : 600 mm, temperature = 20°C.

If conditions are differents, apply correction factors from NF C 15-100 standard  or equivalent national standard

Voltage drop

Calculated with cosj = 0,8


S.Y. + NF - USE Factory n°  U-1000 R2V n (x or G) s mm²

  • n = number of cores
  • s = section in mm²
  • G = with Green-Yellow
  • x = without Green-Yellow

For DISTINGO™, metric marking METRIUM™

·         For packed drums, the length can be directly read
·         For coil and other drums (from cut to length), remaining length is easily calculated. For coil, make the difference between external and internal extremity; for drums make the difference between indication on sticks and external extremity.

Les + de la gamme Nexans U-1000 R2V DISTINGO NX'TAG

For each cross-section, a colour

Available in MOBIWAY MOB drum

Mais informações sobre a gama U-1000 R2V DISTINGO

Marcação de métrio Metrium

Desenvolvido pela Nexans, o sistema de marcação Metrium permite uma leitura rápida e fácil do comprimento restante
  • Poupança de tempo: apenas o comprimento necessário é desenrolado
  • Prático: os stocks podem ser identificados rapidamente

Produto complementar

Distingo e Distingo NX'TAG estão disponíveis numa bobina Mobiway para uma fácil colocação de cabos:
  • Fácil de transportar graças às suas pegas
  • Fácil de desenrolar graças à sua função de tripé com almofadas antiderrapantes integradas nos flanges
  • Flanges e bobinas reutilizáveis feitas de materiais recicláveis

Nexans EasyCalc, l'outil gratuit de calcul de section de câble



Construction characteristics

Construction characteristics

Conductor flexibility
Solid class 1
Conductor material
Bare copper
With Green/Yellow core
Outer sheath
Sheath colour
With smaller neutral conductor
Conductor shape
Lead free

Características dimensionais

Características dimensionais

Number of cores
Conductor cross-section
1,5 mm²
Approximate weight
- kg/km
Maximum outer diameter
- mm
Neutral conductor section (when smaller)
- mm²

Electrical characteristics

Electrical characteristics

Rated Voltage Uo/U (Um)
0.6/ 1 (1.2) kV
Max. DC resistance of the conductor at 20°C
- Ohm/km
Permissible current rating in open air
26 A
Permissible current rating when buried
- A
Voltage drop, 3 conductors
- V/A.km
Voltage drop, single phase
- V/A.km

Mechanical characteristics

Mechanical characteristics

Mechanical resistance to impacts
Cable flexibility

Usage characteristics

Usage characteristics

Max. conductor temperature in service
90 °C
Short-circuit max. conductor temperature
250 °C
Operating temperature, range
-25 ... 60 °C
Flame retardant
C2, NF C 32-070
Weather resistance
Chemical resistance
Water proof
- m
Laying operation bending radius
- mm
Minimum static operating bending radius
- mm
U.V resistance



Declaração de desempenho

  • Declaração de desempenho nº : 1000205-FRLV
  • Data de certificação : 06/10/17
  • Avaliação e Verificação da Constância do Desempenho) : System 3
  • Corpo notificado : 1812
  • Desempenho declarado : Eca

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